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Entries from February 2008

The NHL Trade Deadline, Feb 26th, 2008

February 15th, 2008 · 3 Comments · The Hockey Hippie

Sundin?  Jagr?  Emrey? Hopes?  juicy rumors?  intuitive predictions?  breaking news? This is the chock board. Commodore & Stillman already to Ottawa, eh?  🙂 And how great the Rangers sealed up King Henri!  Nice heir to King Mike. In ten days, who’s going to be even better than they are now?   =  =  =  = […]


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Hillary’s Negatives

February 15th, 2008 · No Comments · Politics

Back when I was so much younger then, a Hillary supporter, I knew there was a lot of, well, anti-Hillary people out there.  She wasn’t like any other Democrat.  Nobody said or wrote many really negative things about Edwards or Biden or Obama or Richardson, . . . but Hillary!  It was weird, I didn’t get it, so […]


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What did YOU do on Valentine’s Day?

February 15th, 2008 · 1 Comment · Politics

Those loveable nuts, Hillary & Billary, spent the day (apart of course) cruising around the countryside, choosing the day for love to unleash their harshest ever smear campaign against Barack Obama. Barack, by contrast, took the entire day off from campaigning and spent it with his wife.  (and kids). Tells me everything I need to know. […]


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Obama’s great speeches, interviews, docs, riffs

February 15th, 2008 · No Comments · Politics

Potomac Primary Victory Speech in Madison, Wisconsin, Feb. 12th: 26 minutes South Carolina — The Big Victory Speech, January 26th, 2008 (Brian’s “turning point in the nomination”): 17 minutes Iowa Victory Speech, Jan 5th, 2008: 14 minutes New Hampshire — the “Yes, We Can” speech, Jan 8th: 13 minutes Super Tuesday, February 5th, 2008: 22 minutes […]


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Character-check Time

February 12th, 2008 · No Comments · Politics

Happy Potomac Primary Morning! 168 phat delegates are up for the taking tonight in Virginia, Maryland and D.C. In a few hours, Obama will have won every state since Super Tuesday, 8 in a row, and every one of them by 20-30+ point margins. With everything going against the Clintons at this point – states […]


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Funny Political videos

February 11th, 2008 · No Comments · Politics

first, before the funny — here’s “the video that started it all”  — “Yes, We Can”  about 4 minutes long. If you’re into laughing and politics, these are highly recommended . . . McCain’s “Yes, I Can” video — length:  1:39 Hillary under sniper fire in Bosnia: 1 min. The Mac vs. PC Guys— 30 seconds The brilliant […]


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The Grammy’s 50th Party

February 10th, 2008 · 3 Comments · Music, Politics

Holy muthr jezus of gawd!  What just happened?!  Herbie Hancock just won Album of The Year! Herbie, besides everything else in his brilliant career, was a key to the “Yes We Can” Obama video.  And the guy climaxes the Grammys, saying, “Yes, We Can” from the stage when he wins.  I’m freaking out. you can see […]


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60 Minutes, and how Obama’s Up has crossed over Hillary’s Down

February 10th, 2008 · No Comments · Politics

The two lines have bisected. We’re watching a turning point in the nomination. The lines had just reached parity on Super Tuesday, but he still actually won it (narrowly) in both states and delegates.  And he hasn’t lost a contest since Super Tuesday — 5 and oh.  Or, oh-oh, if you’re a Clintonian.  Washington and […]


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The Big Bottom-Line Numbers

February 10th, 2008 · No Comments · Politics

After the Louisianna/Washington/Nebraska/Maine weekend, 30 states have voted so far: and Barack Obama is ahead by every measure — 19 Obama states won 10 Clinton states won 1 still too-close-to-call (New Mexico) pledged (voter-elected) delegates: 1,009 Obama 944 Clinton (ABC News puts it at 951 Obama, 904 Clinton) total votes cast: 8,228,000  Obama 8,028,000 Clinton oh, […]


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Obama sweeps, LA, WA, NE, ME & VI

February 9th, 2008 · No Comments · Politics

Obama had a clean sweep tonight!  He won Louisiana by more than 20%!!  and by a more than 2-to-1 in both Washington and Nebraska!  Plus pulled the upset in the Virgin Islands, the only place Hillary had been leading.  and then he won another all-white state in Maine! Obama laid down a long, detailed victory speech — although […]


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