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What did YOU do on Valentine’s Day?

February 15th, 2008 · 1 Comment · Politics

Those loveable nuts, Hillary & Billary, spent the day (apart of course) cruising around the countryside, choosing the day for love to unleash their harshest ever smear campaign against Barack Obama.

Barack, by contrast, took the entire day off from campaigning and spent it with his wife.  (and kids).

Tells me everything I need to know.

So, . . . Miss Inevitable & Sick Billy have gone dirty negative instead of being “experienced” statesmen!  Did you catch how their surrogate ho in PA, Gov. Ed Rendell, dropped the race card bigtime yesterday?  Loosely, “There’s a percentage of people in my state who won’t vote for a black man.”  Just giving the racist bigots of Pennsylvania total cover to keep the crosses up on their lawns.  I kinda can’t believe it.  And this is just gonna be the start of it.  2 ½ more weeks of this.  And then we’re done.

see here for more an Rendell

This negative crap is going to wipe-out Hillary’s female empathy vote, and tip so many Dems who are teetering on the fence in Obama’s favor.  These are things you just don’t do, especially in the Democratic family.  We know where the other side stands, and we expect it.  But this just goes against everything Democrats stand for.

And dig — Texas and Ohio are both OPEN primaries!?!  Any registered voter can vote in either party!

Paging all Obamicans!  What is the all-time record voter turn-out in Texas, anyway?  😉

March Forth, America!

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You can read this and 50 other Political Adventure Tales like it in my 2020 book Blissfully Ravaged in Democracy — Adventures in Politics — 1980–2020.


For one of the most historic events in American history — check out my Obama Inauguration Adventures.

For how Woodstock promoter Michael Lang used my reports in his book — check out how Obama’s Inauguration was like Woodstock.

For an account of the most jubilant night in the history of New York — check the Election Night 2008 Adventure

For a night in New York that started out just as joyous — check out the Election Night 2004 Adventure.

For the kind of creations that got us across the historic finish line — check out my poem and video for Where Wayward Jekylls Hyde.

For an on-the-campaign-trail adventure — check out the physical altercation I was in the middle of with Al Franken at a Howard Dean rally in ’04.

For my tribute to a great political reporter — check out my Tim Russert tribute.

For a full listing of great reporters and news sources — check out my Political Sources Primer.

For how well these sources work — check out my 2012 election predictions.

… or here’s the 2008 projections — in both, I’m over 98% correct.  😉



Brian Hassett  —

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1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Brian // Feb 16, 2008 at 3:27 PM

    Oddly enough, I found out the record turn-out for Dems in Texas — it was 1.8 million, in 1988.

    A very good year for Democrats! Of course, we settled on ol’ Mike Dukakis, and everybody was trying to get Mario Cuomo or Teddy Kennedy to run, but this was also the year old Joe Biden got caught for plagiarizism in the middle of the campaign and dropped out, and Jesse Jackson was making his second (and final) big run, and Al Gore was getting the practice that made him next to perfect in ’92, and Bruce Babbit talking about the environment way before it was cool, and Gray Hart was making his second run but the magic was gone, and outspoken but loveable Pat Schroeder was sorta paving the way for Hillary today, and of course there was Mr. Bowtie, Paul Simon! Who actually came in 2nd in Iowa! It was sure a hoot having that guy on the news every night!

    That was quite a year!

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