
the Best in Kerouac & the Beats, Adventure, Politics, Music, Movies, Poetry & other Lifejoys

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Obama’s great speeches, interviews, docs, riffs

February 15th, 2008 · No Comments · Politics

Potomac Primary Victory Speech in Madison, Wisconsin, Feb. 12th:

26 minutes

South Carolina — The Big Victory Speech, January 26th, 2008 (Brian’s “turning point in the nomination”):

17 minutes

Iowa Victory Speech, Jan 5th, 2008:

14 minutes

New Hampshire — the “Yes, We Can” speech, Jan 8th:

13 minutes

Super Tuesday, February 5th, 2008:

22 minutes

2004 Democratic Convention:

Interview on Meet The Press, with Tim Russert, Nov. ’07, 2 months before Iowa caucus:

40 minutes

the new (2/20/08) doc by MSNBC:

Obama campaigning for Jim Webb in 2006:

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For one of the most historic events in American history — check out my Obama Inauguration Adventures.

For how Woodstock promoter Michael Lang used my reports in his book — check out how Obama’s Inauguration was like Woodstock.

For an account of the most jubilant night in the history of New York — check the Election Night 2008 Adventure

For a night in New York that started out just as joyous — check out the Election Night 2004 Adventure.

For the kind of creations that got us across the historic finish line — check out my poem and video for Where Wayward Jekylls Hyde.

For an on-the-campaign-trail adventure — check out the physical altercation I was in the middle of with Al Franken at a Howard Dean rally in ’04.

For my tribute to a great political reporter — check out my Tim Russert tribute.

For a full listing of great reporters and news sources — check out my Political Sources Primer.

For how well these sources work — check out my 2012 election predictions.

… or here’s the 2008 projections — in both, I’m over 98% correct.  😉



Brian Hassett  —

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