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Entries Tagged as 'Politics'

The Battleground Swing States 2024

August 17th, 2024 · 4 Comments · Politics

The Battleground Swing States 2024 . One thing to remember about 2020 vs 2024 numbers — 4 yrs of old trump voters have died off and 4 yrs of young pro-Roe liberal-leaning voters have come onto the rolls.  Trump’s rallies are significantly smaller & fewer than 2016 & 2020; there’s far less yard signs up […]


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The New Kamalot

July 31st, 2024 · 4 Comments · Blissfully Ravaged in Democracy, Politics

The events of Sunday July 21st 2024 into Monday the 22nd then all the days that followed reminded me and most of us politicos of the political ‘birth’ of Barack Obama in early 2008.  Whether you experienced that on January 3rd when he won the Iowa caucus, or on the February 3rd Super Bowl weekend […]


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Trump’s Losing his Mind

January 31st, 2024 · No Comments · Politics

. I hope everyone’s enjoying the heck out of the theater of the absurd that’s playing out on the national stage in the U.S. Diaper Don is losing his mind . . . and the cameras are rolling.  We’re all going to witness over the next nine months [and beyond] this guy spinning more and […]


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Why I Love Joe Biden

December 31st, 2023 · 35 Comments · Blissfully Ravaged in Democracy, Politics

  First of all, he’s an Irish leprechaun, and I’m very pro Irish leprechaun. Second — he’s also an empath . . . as opposed to a sociopath. As he likes to say in his Irish way — “Don’t compare me to the Almighty, compare me to the alternative.” He’s smart, hard working, Gets Things […]


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Vote Blue No Matter Who

June 30th, 2022 · 1 Comment · Blissfully Ravaged in Democracy, Politics

With the recent stacking of the Supreme Court and overturning of Roe vs. Wade and gun protections in New York, I was reminded that these events all happened because just enough people of the left spent the 2016 general election campaign trashing Hillary Clinton and either not voting or voting third party that an amoral […]


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Bill Clinton Election Night in New York City 1996

October 23rd, 2021 · No Comments · Blissfully Ravaged in Democracy, Politics, Real-life Adventure Tales

When The Good Guys Win — Head To The Skyscraper Rooftop .   A wee rooftop Adventure excerpt from Blissfully Ravaged in Democracy  . . .  The Democratic Party victory party at the Sheraton Hotel in Midtown Manhattan in 1996 . . . New York City is a very liberal and a very Democratic town.  […]


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En-Cora-gement: Give The Kids The Vote – by Dale Topham

January 31st, 2021 · 7 Comments · Blissfully Ravaged in Democracy, Politics

Here’s a beautiful inspiring story about proactively engaging young people in democracy.  And I mean young people under 18! It’s a story about generosity and generations, empowerment and inclusion, doing the right thing, and putting your good where it will do the most (as Ken Kesey used to advise). It’s told by a fellow Canadian […]


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Brian Meets Biden

December 31st, 2020 · 10 Comments · Blissfully Ravaged in Democracy, Politics, Real-life Adventure Tales

From Blissfully Ravaged in Democracy: Adventures in Politics 1980 – 2020 From the chapter — “Fun & Loving on the Campaign Trail 2020 — A Prankster’s Primary”.   . The next day — Tuesday, February 4th, the day following the night of the Iowa caucus vote-counting debacle — I pulled off three rallies: Biden, Tulsi […]


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Post 2020 Election Coverage Reviews

November 6th, 2020 · 11 Comments · Blissfully Ravaged in Democracy, Politics

. George Walker:“Your election comments were brilliant and as good as anything by anyone I read anywhere.  You should be getting paid for this.  You nailed it all the way through.  Sometimes I would disagree with something you said, and then a couple weeks later I’d realize, ‘Oh yeah, Brian was right about that.’  And […]


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Things You Can Do Beyond Voting

October 14th, 2020 · 12 Comments · Blissfully Ravaged in Democracy, Politics

. No matter if you’re in a solid blue or solid red state — let alone a swing state! — every single vote that goes into the national kitty is one more voice — yours! — that history will record as voting against and putting an end to the former racist-in-chief. You want to feel […]


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