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Jack on Film: Take 2 and Lowell Celebrates Kerouac (LCK) 2023 videos

October 31st, 2023 · 11 Comments · Brian on YouTube etc., Hitchhiker's Guide to Jack Kerouac, Interviews, Kerouac and The Beats, Movies

Jack on Film: Take 2 at Lowell Celebrates Kerouac


Here’s a YouTube playlist with great video of the entire Jack on Film show —



Here’s a riffing interview with WCAP in Lowell about all things Kerouac — and the new “Jack on Film: Take 2” show — with nearly a hundred photos telling the story —



Here’s the 2-minute teaser livestream tour of the beautiful Luna Theater a few days before the show . . .



Here’s the show-day afternoon Amramless Jam show with three 2-minute pieces including ‘Hearing Shearing’ from On The Road and the Ode To Jack, plus Mike Flynn riffing about “Jack on Film” in the outro  . . .



Here’s the opening of the afternoon show with Lowell Celebrates Kerouac President Mike Flynn doing a spectacular reading of the opening of Jack’s Old Angel Midnight followed by the great jazz poet and activist John Sinclair doing his poem blending the Beats and the Bebop musicians — “Brilliant Corners” — followed by his new (October 2023) tribute poem for David Amram — “Ou-Bop Sh’Bam, Amram, Amram.”



Here’s the YouTube livestream of the entire show including the interview with Big Sur director Michael Polish and all 18 films, TV shows and sizzle reels shown.

The description below the video contains blue time links where you can jump to all the film entries and subjects covered in the Mike Polish interview . . .



Here’s one minute from the following afternoon — our annual collective gathering at Jack’s gravesite in Edson Cemetery on the day after the shows end.  Grass and weeds always grow over Jack’s ground stone, and every October I trim it back to create a nice even organic frame around his marker.  Camera & creation by my “Jack on Film” co-producer Julian Ortman.



Here’s a Facebook photo album of the 2023 festival —



Here’s another riffing photo-filled interview with Mike Flynn from WUML where we cover Kerouac’s writing process and legacy, and the Beats’ connection to the Grateful Dead and the Merry Pranksters, as well as the Cassady family, and George Walker “Jack & Neal Ride Again” tour with George in the role of his longtime friend Neal —


Here’s a virtual documentary with words and pictures from the Billy Joel We Didn’t Start The Fire podcast series that covers all aspects of Kerouac’s life and legacy —


Here’s the bulk of the first “Jack on Film” show on Oct. 9th, 2022, via the YT livestream —



by Brian Hassett   —

Or here’s my Facebook page if you wanna join in there —

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11 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Ken Morris // Nov 1, 2023 at 9:21 AM

    Exceptional, Jester!!

  • 2 Paul Dante // Nov 1, 2023 at 3:52 PM

    That’s an awesome radio interview!!

  • 3 Daniel Owen Doyle // Nov 1, 2023 at 7:51 PM

    Thanks for keeping JK alive for generations to come. A good thing.

  • 4 Dale Topham // Nov 1, 2023 at 11:30 PM

    Nice! Wish I’d been there. I would have been fist pounding the air and shouting “Go!” or “Whoa!” all the way.

  • 5 william hodgson // Nov 2, 2023 at 12:42 PM

    Much improvement since Take One. Better production all the way around and very well researched. Thank you.

  • 6 Eric Douglas Augustsen Mani // Nov 3, 2023 at 8:37 AM

    Thanks Brian for keeping Jack with us in 3D!
    I hope these videos hit the big screen.

  • 7 Kevin Twigg // Nov 5, 2023 at 11:48 AM

    Loved your performance on Sunday afternoon. First time seeing it — and thanks for the shoutout in the middle

  • 8 Walter Raubicheck // Nov 25, 2023 at 7:31 PM

    I just watched the first four parts of “Jack on Film 2” — Fantastic!! I’m learning a lot. Your presentation is both enthusiastic AND educational — the best kind of teaching!

  • 9 Walter Raubicheck // Dec 7, 2023 at 5:36 PM

    Watched parts 5 and 6 last night … fantastic! GREAT interview with Polish. Your enthusiasm — combined with your knowledge of film production — made it extremely interesting for both us AND the director! He was obviously enjoying every minute. Thanks for doing this.

  • 10 John Cassady // Dec 23, 2023 at 5:40 PM

    I watched all the episodes again and I have but one word for you about it — BRILLIANT.

    Very impressive with all the visuals–I don’t know how you collect and compile all of those images. And you mentioned the Cassady’s on the set of “Heart Beat,” 1980, to hang out with Sissy, Nick and John Heard. Someday I’ll write the “back stories” about that visit, ha ha.

    And good for you to mention Jan Kerouac and “Train Song.” I’m sure that I’ve told you this tale before, but when I met her in San Francisco, we were having cocktails at a sidewalk table in front of Enrico’s near Columbus and Broadway, just across the street from City Lights. She was gorgeous — had Jack’s intense blue eyes. She ignored all the photographers — I guess she was used to them — and then of course I proposed marriage to her. I said something clever, like, “it’s our destiny! It was meant to be! Neal Cassady’s son and Jack Kerouac’s daughter!?! Think of all the Beat progeny crawling around the wooden floor in our loft in the Village spouting Beat poetry!” She said, “thanks, Johnny, but I’m going to Mexico.” Which she did.

    So, Keep The Beat, and the good work. I hope we can jam again one day soon,


  • 11 Bob Maltais // Dec 29, 2023 at 6:53 PM

    It was fantastic Brian. I so much enjoyed this show. Was better than I anticipated.

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