
the Best in Kerouac & the Beats, Adventure, Politics, Music, Movies, Poetry & other Lifejoys

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The Grateful Dead: Jack Kerouac Manifested As Music

April 28th, 2018 · 10 Comments · Grateful Dead, Kerouac and The Beats

. The Grateful Dead were Jack manifested as music. Their essence was born of the road and adventures.  They worked in improvisational music like spontaneous prose. They broke every rule of showbiz … then broke every concert record there is — just as Kerouac broke every rule of grammar — then had over 50 books […]


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How The Beats Begat The Pranksters

September 17th, 2017 · 3 Comments · Grateful Dead, Kerouac and The Beats, Merry Pranksters

How The Beats Begat The Pranksters . Beat Carolyn & Prankster Babbs, Boulder ’82 . It all started on September 5th, 1957 when a certain book got published . . . Or no . . . it all started in April 1951 when a guy sat down at a typewriter with a long scroll of […]


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Jack Kerouac Gravesite Adventure Edson Cemetary, Lowell

October 16th, 2016 · 9 Comments · Kerouac and The Beats, Real-life Adventure Tales

. Satori in Lowell   — The Intentional Nothingness of Everything . Every year the Lowell Celebrates Kerouac Festival is five blissfully crazy days of non-stop events from early morning to late night — from David Amram performances and other concerts to movie screenings and art shows to walking and bus tours to guest speakers and […]


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Pranksters in Wonderland

May 10th, 2015 · 19 Comments · Grateful Dead, Merry Pranksters, Real-life Adventure Tales, Weird Things About Me

. Somewhere in America . . . Pranksters are gathering . . . and in this case it was Wonderland. A dozen acres of wilderness hills and valleys, with a sunken natural amphitheater on the highest point of land in sight. 150 or so Pranksters came from across the land, traveling by every mode there […]


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Makin’ Movies — Carolyn Cassady, On The Road, and the Pranksters at Woodstock

September 21st, 2014 · 23 Comments · Kerouac and The Beats, Merry Pranksters, Movies, Real-life Adventure Tales, Weird Things About Me

. Here’s some early songs in sound and light . . . My tribute to the late great Carolyn Cassady on the one year anniversary of her passing … . Or “The Pranksters Invade the Woodstock Museum” . . . . Or here’s opening the Marry Prankster Reunion weekend in 2016 . . . . […]


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“On The Road” Comes Home — The New York Premiere

December 24th, 2012 · 19 Comments · Kerouac and The Beats, Movies, New York City, Real-life Adventure Tales

“On The Road” Comes Home — The New York Premiere The day of the “On The Road” premiere in New York (Dec. 13th, 2012) I was up at the NYPL trying to get through the doors of the hermetically sealed vault of the Berg Collection, home to a gazillion literary papers from Emerson to Shelley […]


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The “On The Road” Scroll Auction

October 14th, 2012 · 22 Comments · Kerouac and The Beats, New York City, Real-life Adventure Tales

Part I, The Author’s Song   The passing of the scroll … It’s gone to a good place … . . . with an iconoclastic, white-tie wearin’ John Lennon lovin’ “huge Bob Dylan fan,” spirit of the 60s, buddy of Brinkley’s, crony of Thompson’s, and owner of the Indianapolis Colts (my new and forever favorite […]


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Making better time On The Road

September 8th, 2012 · 40 Comments · Kerouac and The Beats, Movies, Real-life Adventure Tales

Making better time On The Road So, I get to the Ryerson Theatre in Toronto at 7PM for a 9:00 show (on Sept. 6th) and there’s already a whole scene.  It’s the World Premiere of the new and forever “On The Road” — the first-ever screening of the director’s revised and final cut. There’s a […]


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