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Pranksters in Wonderland

May 10th, 2015 · 19 Comments · Grateful Dead, Merry Pranksters, Real-life Adventure Tales, Weird Things About Me

. Somewhere in America . . . Pranksters are gathering . . . and in this case it was Wonderland. A dozen acres of wilderness hills and valleys, with a sunken natural amphitheater on the highest point of land in sight. 150 or so Pranksters came from across the land, traveling by every mode there […]


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Merry Pranksters on A Mission

January 8th, 2015 · 13 Comments · Merry Pranksters, Music, Real-life Adventure Tales

The Pranksters on A Mission to The Mission . . It’s New Year’s Eve in the universe ………..and we’re on a mission. The Wizard of Wonder called on Christmas Day.  Seems The Pranksters are needed for a little Merry Jerry conjuring on New Year’s Eve in O-Hi-o.  The official good-time resident Grateful Dead-vibed band of […]


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