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Waterfall Primer

February 9th, 2008 · 3 Comments · Waterfalls

One of the world’s great geological formations, or one of God’s masterpieces, depending on how you look at it, is just outside Toronto and hardly anybody goes there – the Niagara Escarpment.  Maybe if it was called Secret Waterfall Ridge more people would be cruising its splashing magic hideaways.    So far, I’ve found 32 […]


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Finding Casey

February 9th, 2008 · 9 Comments · Real-life Adventure Tales, Weird Things About Me

Finding Casey . So, mom & I are staying at this resort up on Georgian Bay.  We fall asleep around 11 that night — more of a late nap for us — and both woke up aboot 3 in the morning just rarin’ to go.   As a dedicated Niagara Escarpment explorer and veteran waterfall collector, […]


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