
the Best in Kerouac & the Beats, Adventure, Politics, Music, Movies, Poetry & other Lifejoys

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Brian Meets Biden

December 31st, 2020 · 10 Comments · Blissfully Ravaged in Democracy, Politics, Real-life Adventure Tales

From Blissfully Ravaged in Democracy: Adventures in Politics 1980 – 2020 From the chapter — “Fun & Loving on the Campaign Trail 2020 — A Prankster’s Primary”.   . The next day — Tuesday, February 4th, the day following the night of the Iowa caucus vote-counting debacle — I pulled off three rallies: Biden, Tulsi […]


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Post 2020 Election Coverage Reviews

November 6th, 2020 · 11 Comments · Blissfully Ravaged in Democracy, Politics

. George Walker:“Your election comments were brilliant and as good as anything by anyone I read anywhere.  You should be getting paid for this.  You nailed it all the way through.  Sometimes I would disagree with something you said, and then a couple weeks later I’d realize, ‘Oh yeah, Brian was right about that.’  And […]


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