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the Secret Obama Memo — and how he wins the Nomination

March 5th, 2008 · 1 Comment · Politics

You’re not going to believe this — it’s right out of a great espionage novel — but just after Super Tuesday, the great veteran politico Al Hunt, now Executive Editor at Bloomberg News, was emailing with the Obama campaign, who mistakenly included in a dispatch to Hunt the campaign’s projections for all the remaining states.  […]


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The Last Debate — tonight at 9PM!

February 26th, 2008 · No Comments · Politics

“Meet me in Ohio!  Let’s have a debate!” demanded a seething, red-eyed Hillary Clinton last week. It’s a good-old Western showdown! Tonight, MSNBC, 9PM — 10:30PM Eastern, from the home of Rock n Roll, Cleveland, Ohio. It’s 90 minutes, and will repeat numerous times during the overnight.  Moderated by Tim Russert and Brian Williams — […]


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Hillary’s Lost

February 20th, 2008 · No Comments · Politics

Obama just won Wisconsin by 17 points!  58% to 41% — another 60-40 voters’ decision, in another 5% African-American state. And he won Hawaii by even more than D.C. — 76% to 24%! It’s not only 10 victories in a row – it’s 10 blow-outs in a row.  Last night was his smallest victory yet, and it was […]


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