“Meet me in Ohio! Let’s have a debate!” demanded a seething, red-eyed Hillary Clinton last week. It’s a good-old Western showdown!
Tonight, MSNBC, 9PM — 10:30PM Eastern, from the home of Rock n Roll, Cleveland, Ohio.
It’s 90 minutes, and will repeat numerous times during the overnight. Moderated by Tim Russert and Brian Williams — two of the best in the business. Plus, it’s another “no rules” debate! So there’s none of those annoying time-limits or blinking lights on answers or rebutals.
Plus!! It’s the much-preferred sit-down style — with the notes pads, and side-by-sideness — watch how gentleman Barack holds the chair for her 😉 — and how she stares him down during answers, and that Martin Short-like fake smile she has when he’s circling the bases after another home run. The sit-downs have always been the most civil debates of this campaign — but after Hillary’s surreal manic bi-polar schizophrenia of the past “shame-on-you, Barack” week, who knows who will show up tonight.
But . . . this is it for this exciting Primary! During the last week, Hillary’s said numerous times, “Texas will pick the next Democratic nominee.” Bill said, “If Hillary wins in Texas and Ohio she’ll be the nominee. If you don’t deliver for her, she can’t be.”
Politicians don’t say things on camera in a campaign that they know will be used against them; especially when the deadline to use those quotes would be in two weeks. Hillary wouldn’t say things in debates last summer for the fear that they’d be used in the general election next fall. If she was saying last week that, “Texas will pick the next nominee,” that’s about as clear as you can get. She’s either prophetic, or has written her own exit cue.
So I’m just suggesting to catch this final debate tonight, should be a doozy! And enjoy the next and possbily final week of the campaign – it’s gonna be a bumpy ride, Bette! The Clinton’s have officially employed “the kitchen sink strategy” – to throw everything they can at Obama to see if anything sticks. It’s something new everyday! Yesterday they circulated a photo of Obama in local African grab when he visited Kenya. Nuthin like playin’ the Muslim & race card!
But overall this has been the most wonderful, historic, dynamic, and for the most part cleanly-played primary campaign that I’ve seen in my 30 years of living this stuff. It’s sad to think it may be over – even though it’s been going on for about a year!
A week today — March Forth — will be the Texas / Ohio (and Vermont and Rhode Island) primaries. Hillary may conced that night — or we may have 3 months of trouble! And fun! 😉 but, shhhh!
Tonight — will Hillary revert back to the classy statesman? Or be the pyscho desperate attack dog with the canned lines and conjured anger of the last few days?
Enjoy the climax
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For one of the most historic events in American history — check out my Obama Inauguration Adventures.
For how Woodstock promoter Michael Lang used my reports in his book — check out how Obama’s Inauguration was like Woodstock.
For an account of the most jubilant night in the history of New York — check the Election Night 2008 Adventure.
For a night in New York that started out just as joyous — check out the Election Night 2004 Adventure.
For the kind of creations that got us across the historic finish line — check out my poem and video for Where Wayward Jekylls Hyde.
For an on-the-campaign-trail adventure — check out the physical altercation I was in the middle of with Al Franken at a Howard Dean rally in ’04.
For my tribute to a great political reporter — check out my Tim Russert tribute.
For a full listing of great reporters and news sources — check out my Political Sources Primer.
For how well these sources work — check out my 2012 election predictions.
… or here’s the 2008 projections — in both, I’m over 98% correct. 😉
Brian Hassett — karmacoupon@gmail.com
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