
the Best in Kerouac & the Beats, Adventure, Politics, Music, Movies, Poetry & other Lifejoys

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Gary Hart rally 1984 Washington Square

September 11th, 2016 · 12 Comments · New York City, Politics, Real-life Adventure Tales

How Rock Concerts Led To Politics . For most of ’80s I lived in Phyllis & Eddie Condon’s palatial apartment on Washington Square North.  The NYU Program Board from where I ran the concerts was in the Loeb Student Center on Washington Square South — about a 3-minute walk away — if you didn’t dawdle […]


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How the 2016 Election Will Play Out

August 9th, 2016 · 9 Comments · Politics

. The 2016 Presidential and Congressional elections will be a win for Clinton because . . . — Trump continues to be unhinged for the next 3 months; — his racism / bigotry comments & viewpoint continue to reappear; — there’s a 3-month continuous drip-drip-drip of negative Trump business stories; — the Republican party will not […]


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Republican Convention first-person account

July 22nd, 2016 · 23 Comments · Politics, Real-life Adventure Tales

. “This is a Shitshow” . When I tried starting this story last night immediately upon arriving home around 4 AM . . . this was all I got writ — Republicans are loons … 😀 But boy, I just had the greatest time!  Sheesh!  This was like the 4th of July for a week!  […]


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Repugnant Convention — Love and hate

July 20th, 2016 · 23 Comments · Politics, Real-life Adventure Tales

Republican Convention — Day 2 — Tuesday July 19th  . As the crazy circus rolls on that is the Repugnant National Coronation of their favorite racist bigot who is now their official “standard-bearer” after years of less obvious assholes — the playful sense of humor of many sensible and silly Americans is still on display. […]


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Cleveland Republican Convention Opening Day

July 19th, 2016 · 17 Comments · Politics, Real-life Adventure Tales

You can read about the two days leading into the convention here. Monday July 18th . Holy shit!  What a first convention night in Cleveland!  This town is throwing A PARTY!  Wow! I mean, the cops and all levels of security are being so freakin nice! At one point, ’round midnight, I needed to know […]


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The Republican Convention, Cleveland, 2016

July 17th, 2016 · 11 Comments · Politics, Real-life Adventure Tales

. Lesson One going into the streets of Cleveland — as hipped by my poli-warzone-brother Mitch — If you hear fire crackers, don’t assume they’re fire crackers.  Get behind cover. Roger that. Mitch and I met in 1983 thru him being a music reporter in Winnipeg and me managing to some success one of the […]


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