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A Night in The Rangers’ Blue Heaven

April 13th, 2008 · No Comments · New York City, The Hockey Hippie

Rob Salmon’s Rangers Story My good friend Teresa is a season ticket holder, up in the blues, in section 418. She’s a great Rangers fan, a great New Yorker, and a great buddy… she hooks me up with Rangers tickets! Most of my greatest all time Rangers memories are thanks to her, especially in the […]


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The Rangers and Sacred Places

February 9th, 2008 · 4 Comments · The Hockey Hippie

That was the most fun i’ve had at a game, well other than the Sabres-Sens playoff, in about … whenever my last Rangers game was!Β  πŸ™‚Β  IΒ mean, seriously, it restored my faith in hockey.Β  . Β  Hey and get this — I’ve now pegged my Rangers fanship to at least 1969/70!Β  cuz by 1970-71 Eddie […]


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