
the Best in Kerouac & the Beats, Adventure, Politics, Music, Movies, Poetry & other Lifejoys

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the Radio Riffs can now be heard

February 15th, 2008 · 1 Comment · Politics

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The ThatRadio podcasts are now up (some of them) and you can listen to them in the background even while you do other surfing & stuff!  They’re pretty fun.  Here’s the blurb on it:

High Noon on Hump Day — The Revolution Will Be Uploaded” – Brian Hassett’s weekly riffs on the U.S. election.  Tune in live on at 12:10 every day-after a Tuesday through the Inauguration for how to understand it easier and have more fun following it!  This is the Canada-Russia ’72 of elections — the one that everyone will talk about forever.  You wanna be soakin’ it in while it’s playing out live.  This is only gonna happen once.

The show’s also repeated Wednesday nights about 11:20 PM.

> >  The previous saved podcast shows can be found on the right side of this screen, look down under “Other Cool Places” and you’ll see “Brian’s radio shows” – click there.  Then after the page opens, just click the little green play triangle and you’ll hear me on your speakers if they’re turned on.  And you can use the “fast-forward” button to skip thru the intros if they’re long.

If you put my name in the Search box some other appearances will come up.

You can also “subscribe” if you want, and they’ll just send you the link when each new episode is up.


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For one of the most historic events in American history — check out my Obama Inauguration Adventures.

For how Woodstock promoter Michael Lang used my reports in his book — check out how Obama’s Inauguration was like Woodstock.

For an account of the most jubilant night in the history of New York — check the Election Night 2008 Adventure

For a night in New York that started out just as joyous — check out the Election Night 2004 Adventure.

For the kind of creations that got us across the historic finish line — check out my poem and video for Where Wayward Jekylls Hyde.

For an on-the-campaign-trail adventure — check out the physical altercation I was in the middle of with Al Franken at a Howard Dean rally in ’04.

For my tribute to a great political reporter — check out my Tim Russert tribute.

For a full listing of great reporters and news sources — check out my Political Sources Primer.

For how well these sources work — check out my 2012 election predictions.

… or here’s the 2008 projections — in both, I’m over 98% correct.  😉



Brian Hassett  —

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1 response so far ↓

  • 1 killerfish_73 // Feb 16, 2008 at 6:26 PM

    right on!! glad you posted these, it’s like…well it’s like having ’72 Canada Russia at your fingertips! looking forward to finish checking them out…hope you posted the Kerouac exhibit report from behind Bryant Park somewhere in the archives.

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