
the Best in Kerouac & the Beats, Adventure, Politics, Music, Movies, Poetry & other Lifejoys

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PA Primary registration must be done by March 24th

March 8th, 2008 · 2 Comments · Politics

Most people think this amazing PA primary is in April – but it’s really March 24th – ‘cause that’s the last day you can register.  If you’re not in it by then – you’re off the bus!  No scoop for you! You may have heard this one before, but Every Single Vote (Really) Counts in […]


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The Two Questions Remaining

March 8th, 2008 · No Comments · Politics

I was looking for this number and found the most optimistic guess at it (via the Hillary campaign) in the NYT yesterday: “If the results of Florida & Michigan are allowed to stand, and Mr. Obama is awarded the delegates won by ‘uncommitted’ on the Michigan ballot, Mrs. Clinton would pick up 64 delegates toward […]


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the Secret Obama Memo — and how he wins the Nomination

March 5th, 2008 · 1 Comment · Politics

You’re not going to believe this — it’s right out of a great espionage novel — but just after Super Tuesday, the great veteran politico Al Hunt, now Executive Editor at Bloomberg News, was emailing with the Obama campaign, who mistakenly included in a dispatch to Hunt the campaign’s projections for all the remaining states.  […]


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March Forth, America!

March 4th, 2008 · 1 Comment · Politics

“Goin’ all-in” — tonight the voters get called and lay the cards on the table. Poll closings:  (all times Eastern) 7 PM  Vermont  (should be another double-digit win for Obama, making it 12 in a row) 7:30 PM  Ohio — thus begins the double-header nail-biters of the primary. 8 PM – primaries end in most of […]


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America Rising

February 28th, 2008 · No Comments · Politics

Tick tick, click click, time’s a wastin’, page refreshing, Dynasty ending in Dallas. Get Smart, Eight Years Is Enough; Voters Touched By An Angel To Crown New American Idol Next Week. This is kinda hard to fathom, but do you realize that Hillary Clinton has never been ahead in the voter-elected pledged delegate count (what […]


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and suddenly, out of the darkness, the High Road appears!

February 22nd, 2008 · No Comments · Politics

This is huge news, actually.  Hillary’s dropped the negative attacks, and she’s dropped the super-delegates as an issue! After a week of going negative didn’t work in Wisconsin, rather than coming into this debate on the offensive looking for the knock-out punch, she’s obviously changed her approach.  Rather than her “words don’t matter” and “plagiarism” […]


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Hillary’s Lost

February 20th, 2008 · No Comments · Politics

Obama just won Wisconsin by 17 points!  58% to 41% — another 60-40 voters’ decision, in another 5% African-American state. And he won Hawaii by even more than D.C. — 76% to 24%! It’s not only 10 victories in a row – it’s 10 blow-outs in a row.  Last night was his smallest victory yet, and it was […]


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Happy President’s Day! and Year!

February 18th, 2008 · No Comments · Politics

Just think, next year on this holiday, they’ll be a different President in the White House! I wonder who it’ll be? Some good lines from the last 24 hours . . . Ron Brownstein from Time said Obama is an amalgam of Gary Hart and Jesse Jackson. Brian says he’s an amalgam of Howard Dean and […]


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“This Time, It’s Personal”

February 17th, 2008 · 1 Comment · Politics

It has been such a heart-breaker to see the Clintons’ true colors revealed. I keep coming back to Primary Colors (hmm?) — and recommend to all to see or read again —  and the climactic kitchen scene with Libby.  That is what’s happening to myself, and I imagine to so many fence-leaping Democrats these last several […]


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Hillary’s Negatives

February 15th, 2008 · No Comments · Politics

Back when I was so much younger then, a Hillary supporter, I knew there was a lot of, well, anti-Hillary people out there.  She wasn’t like any other Democrat.  Nobody said or wrote many really negative things about Edwards or Biden or Obama or Richardson, . . . but Hillary!  It was weird, I didn’t get it, so […]


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