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Entries Tagged as 'Poetry'

Spring Peace piece

May 27th, 2014 · 14 Comments · Grateful Dead, Poetry

  Spring Peace piece . Gonna ring a big ding Calling out from Sing-Sing Gonna have a spring fling Kinda have an inkling Everything is gonna sell Comin’ out the dripping well Middle East a burning hell Clanging morning warning bell. The toast is up, the jam is done Twisted people think it’s fun Blowin’ […]


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Haiku for Carolyn Cassady

November 28th, 2013 · 12 Comments · Kerouac and The Beats, Poetry

I just came across this in the files.  Glad I did.  Kinda cool. They’re not really traditional 5–7–5 haiku — they’re what Kerouac called Western Haiku — “simple 3-line poems that make a little picture” — written while I was living with and inspired by Carolyn.  There certainly was something about that woman that inspired.  She […]


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The Boys Who Grew From Northern Lands

February 5th, 2013 · 9 Comments · Poetry, Weird Things About Me

.   The Boys Who Grew From Northern Lands for my dad — Vern Victor Hassett From playing hockey with homegrown pucks, To riding in the back of pick-up trucks, Under cloudless, beating prairie skies, Chasing the girls with the prettiest eyes, Riding the roads from farm to boomtown, Working the land from Rose to […]


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The Royal Woods of Cassady County

June 17th, 2012 · 13 Comments · Kerouac and The Beats, Poetry

The Royal Woods of Cassady County   . All the king’s horses and all the king’s men Rode through these woods and back again They cut down the trees all over the land But chopping this forest was strictly banned The king must have  his galloping grounds And live surrounded by chirping sounds So over […]


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A Shakespearean Cassady

June 17th, 2012 · 13 Comments · Kerouac and The Beats, Poetry, Real-life Adventure Tales

A Shakespearean Cassady   . A month of rain in 12 hours can’t dampen the Spirit of a lifetime of experience or the experience of a lifetime. Two compatible souls a generation apart, Somehow related, somehow unjaded, somehow not faded, Still giggling unburdened, still freely unherded, Two jazz cats still flowing, still riffing, still reading […]


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Every Day Is A Gift

January 24th, 2012 · 7 Comments · Poetry, Real-life Adventure Tales, Weird Things About Me

Every Day Is A Gift   by Brian Hassett Every day you’re alive is a gawd-damned gift.  And that’s the whole shot, as Gregory Corso would say. Try adding up all the times your Indomitable Spirit was challenged but did not topple in a deathly firestorm of adversity.  There’s probably been a hundred of them, […]


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Brian’s Christmas Blessings

December 24th, 2011 · 4 Comments · Poetry, Weird Things About Me

  . May your lights be bright and your resilience strong, May your thoughts be poetry and your voice be song. May your dreams be vivid and your days be bold, May your riches be measured in human gold.     Happy Shopping Daze — 
But the best gift you can give is the gift […]


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The Ballad of The Profiteers

October 29th, 2011 · 6 Comments · Music, Poetry, Politics

The Ballad of the Profiteers   . You’re suckin’ on / your money’s teat, When nothin’s left / for folks to eat, You’re livin’ high / down on Wall Street, Crushin’ dreams / beneath your feet. How come it is / and why it’s not, The biggest thieves / are never caught, When all you […]


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A Song of Enid, I Sing

August 28th, 2011 · 36 Comments · Poetry, Weird Things About Me

Her father was an engineer on the CPR, so the whole family got to travel all over North America, when virtually no one in their town ever went more than a few miles from home. They had 5 sons, followed by 4 daughters, Enid being the first. They owned the first (and for a long time […]


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The Highest Peaks on RockPeaks

June 30th, 2011 · 20 Comments · Music, Poetry, Weird Things About Me

Here’s the (Route) 66 greatest musical performances ever captured on film — after watching thousands of clips and reviewing hundreds of them for RockPeaks, this is the best of the best . . . And it tells a story, one complete show of shows, in a sequence of greatness . . . Blessing the blast is Johnny Clegg bringing Nelson […]


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