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Love Is

February 9th, 2008 · 2 Comments · Poetry


Love  Is    


Love is missing someone

            when they leave the room

                        just for a minute


Love is living in an electric 3-D high-resolution wide-screen technicolor heaven

            after living in a world of out-of-focus rabbit-ears

                        in blurry black & white


Love is hugging the other person’s pillow in the morning after they get up,

            feeling their warmth against the sheets

                        and pretending you’re them


Love is writing each other

            love note horoscopes

                        every morning for life


Love is going through everything

            with the other person beside you

                        whether they’re there or not


Love is being so excited every time you get ready to leave the house together

            it’s like you’re packing on a plane trip to Paradise,

                        only you’re just walking around the block together


Love is being on a roller coaster ride

            pushing a shopping cart

                        in a grocery store together


Love is getting under the covers first in the winter

            and lying on the other’s side to warm it up

                        before they crawl in


Love is taking a lot longer

            to find your clothes again

                        than it took to get them off


Love is being in bed together

            and there being only one person



Love is speaking in sound language

            only two people



Love is laying pillow-to-pillow

            unable to sleep

                        because you can’t stop looking


Love is watching someone’s eyes close

            and holding their hand

                        until you feel them dreaming


Love is waking up in the middle of the night

            looking over at the person asleep beside you

                        knowing the world is safe, and going back to sleep sweetly


Love is the other person feeling the same way.





= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


Some other poems . . .

Be The Invincible Spirit You Are

A Song of Enid I Sing

The Boys Who Grew From Northern Lands

The Carolyn Cassady Birthday Poem 

A Shakespearian Cassady

The Royal Woods of Cassady County

Smokin’ Charlie’s Saxophone 

Where Wayward Jekylls Hyde — The Mighty Bama-Rama Rap

The Ballad of The Profiteers

Sittin’ On My Roof In New Orleans


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

by Brian Hassett


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2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 biver // Feb 9, 2008 at 2:02 PM

    I love this and this it’s the perfect vehicle to spread the Hassett Virus Love Worm. Everyone send this one to everyone you know!

    Thanks for this one Bri!

  • 2 Stephanie Sears // Dec 10, 2013 at 12:58 PM

    Love is meeting a person named Brian Hassett who is such an extraordinary person – AND
    Love is thanking the Universe that we crossed paths
    ….. XO

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