
the Best in Kerouac & the Beats, Adventure, Politics, Music, Movies, Poetry & other Lifejoys

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“Jack on Film” sample

September 29th, 2022 · 5 Comments · Kerouac and The Beats, Movies

Here’s a little taste . . . My “script” notes for the first dramatic portrayal of Jack . . . . Pull My Daisy (released Nov. 1959) One of the Big Five to focus on MY THESIS HOW THIS IS THE GREATEST BEAT GEN CREATION. Filmed in their prime . . . . Kerouac’s best […]


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An Autodidact Meets A Collaborative Form

July 31st, 2021 · 9 Comments · Movies

. One thing I learned during my lockdown Film Studies deepdive is just how subjective movies are.  I know all art is subjective, but maybe film is the most because of how it’s every art form blended together and being experienced at once. Something I picked up from a Tarantino interview — that a book […]


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