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The Bob Dylan Center in Tulsa

April 30th, 2023 · 5 Comments · Music, Real-life Adventure Tales

The Setting: The new Bob Center is in Tulsa Oklahoma because the Woody Guthrie Center is there, and because both were paid for by the OK billionaire philanthropist George Kaiser. Tulsa is remarkably like the midwestern town of Winnipeg I grew up in — flat farmland, low-rise, about a half-million people — and both with […]


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The Dalai Lama in Central Park in 1999

February 26th, 2017 · 8 Comments · New York City, Poetry, Weird Things About Me

. Dalai-Rama! or The Light at the End of the Tunnel is the Twinkle in Your Own Eye! . In the days leading up to This Great Spirit Gathering in Central Park, The news reports were predicting 20,000 people or something. I was thinking, “This is going to be a LOT bigger than that!” I […]


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