This is an ever-evolving work-in-progress — last updated: March 12th, 2025. Every blue title is a link to the movie’s IMDb page — the industry-standard Internet Movie Database. If this makes just one person see one great movie, it’ll be worth it. If you want you can click on any of these section titles […]
Brian’s “Hot 300” movie list
October 5th, 2010 · 56 Comments · Grateful Dead, Movies
Tags: best comedies of all time·best movies ever made·best scenes in movies all time·great movies about politics·greatest movies of all time·greatest rock documentaries·Hassett's movie list·how to judge a movie·how to watch movies·movies about making movies·seeing movies multiple times·top movies of all time
Fawlty Towers — a primer
April 9th, 2010 · 7 Comments · Movies
. It was written / created post Monty Python (1969-74), by John Cleese and his wife, Connie Booth. He had an opportunity to do “something” for the BBC, so they came up with doing a grumpy hotel manager, which was based on a recent film shoot by the Pythons making Holy Grail or something in […]
Tags: best comedies of all time·best TV shows of all time·Fawlty Tower breakdown·Fawlty Towers Andrew Sachs·Fawlty Towers episodes·Fawlty Towers Prunella Scales·how Fawlty Towers was made·John Cleese and Connie Booth·Monty Python Fawlty Towers
Lucky Numbers film review
February 27th, 2010 · 8 Comments · Movies
film review: Lucky Numbers (2000) Directed by Nora Ephron; starring John Travolta, Lisa Kudrow, Tim Roth, Ed O’Neil, Richard Schiff, Bill Pullman, Michael Rapaport, Michael Moore. First of all – this is made by Nora Ephron! Heartburn! Sleepless! Her and Penny Marshall have to be the two best female filmmakers going – at least […]
Tags: best comedies of all time·best comedy ensemble movie cast·funniest movies ever made·greatest movie comedies·John Travolta and Lisa Kudrow·Michael Rapaport best movies·Nora Ephron movies·Pennsylvania lottery scam·Tim Roth and Richard Schiff·Tim Roth movies