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Revival69 — Documentary Review about John Lennon’s Toronto Concert in 1969

December 31st, 2022 · 14 Comments · Movies, Music

Revival Revived   Klaus Voormann’s drawing of the 1969 plane trip   The most important musical event that ever occurred in Canada — and one of the most important concerts in history — took place at a university football stadium in downtown Toronto in 1969.  It’s true! London had The Beatles’ farewell on the rooftop, […]


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Woodstock and Obama’s Inauguration

July 30th, 2011 · 12 Comments · Music, Politics, Real-life Adventure Tales, Weird Things About Me

Obama’s election night in New York City may have been my favorite single night / moment in 25+ years of living in Manhattan. (You can read about it here: ) That feeling was extended to a week-long celebration in my second favorite city, Washington, D.C. — a home-game in the History League — And lo, […]


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