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PA Primary registration must be done by March 24th

March 8th, 2008 · 2 Comments · Politics

Most people think this amazing PA primary is in April – but it’s really March 24th – ‘cause that’s the last day you can register.  If you’re not in it by then – you’re off the bus!  No scoop for you!

You may have heard this one before, but Every Single Vote (Really) Counts in this primary!  First because it’s proportional delegates instead of winner-take-all, so each vote directly adds to your candidate’s delegate total, win or lose;  and second, the party’s nominee in the fall will be ratified by super-delegates based in large part on the total popular vote nationwide (plus the total elected delegate count).

PA is a “closed primary” meaning you can NOT vote unless you’re specifically registered  WITH the party you want to vote for.

After March 24th  you can NOT vote if you’re registered as “No Affiliation” (independent), or registered with a different party, or living at a new address, or not registered at all.  This landmark primary will be talked about for the rest of our lives, and your chance to participate in history ends when the mail gets picked up on Monday, March 24th.

Or you can do it right now – takes about a minute — by clicking here:

at the top center, “click here to download [print] a voter registration application that can be completed manually”.  Print out the form, check off 11 questions, you’re done.  This page also has the mailing address for your county office to mail your completed form to.

You can Change Party Affiliation, or Change of Address, or whatever (at question #2).

Then question  # 9, # 9, # 9  . . .  is for Party Registration.

Voter registration must be done manually in Pennsylvania due to statewide election laws requiring the voter’s physical signature on each registration form.

I’ve heard from so many people in so many states who were so bummed-out they never registered in time.  So I’m just sharing this to help you avoid regret later.

It’s totally free n easy, and if you don’t wanna vote later on, you don’t have to.  But if you get swept up in this Story of The Year and want to participate, if you’re not already registered with your party before March 24th there’s nothing you can do about it.  No tickie, no votie.

And Bonus!  This year the PA Primary is on Earth Day!  April, 22nd.  What could be better?!  J

Feel free to forward or post this anywhere — as-is, or edit into your own version.

For more info you can call:  1-800-552-VOTE.

For more fun you can volunteer for your favorite candidate via their websites, or just start engaging your friends in this historic present.

Here are two good places to start:

“When you get confused, listen to the music play”

You  . . .  Can’t  . . .  Vote  . . .  If  . . .  You’re  . . .  Not  . . .  Registered !


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For one of the most historic events in American history — check out my Obama Inauguration Adventures.

For how Woodstock promoter Michael Lang used my reports in his book — check out how Obama’s Inauguration was like Woodstock.

For an account of the most jubilant night in the history of New York — check the Election Night 2008 Adventure

For a night in New York that started out just as joyous — check out the Election Night 2004 Adventure.

For the kind of creations that got us across the historic finish line — check out my poem and video for Where Wayward Jekylls Hyde.

For an on-the-campaign-trail adventure — check out the physical altercation I was in the middle of with Al Franken at a Howard Dean rally in ’04.

For my tribute to a great political reporter — check out my Tim Russert tribute.

For a full listing of great reporters and news sources — check out my Political Sources Primer.

For how well these sources work — check out my 2012 election predictions.

… or here’s the 2008 projections — in both, I’m over 98% correct.  😉



Brian Hassett  —

Brian Hassett .com

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2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Zoe Artemis // Mar 21, 2008 at 10:26 PM

    What I’m find unnerving is hearing some people say that Obama who promised to unite us is dividing us because of the race issue. Obama didn’t bring up the race issue, but now that it’s reared it’s ugly head, he is dealing with it head on. His speech on race was the most brilliant piece of oratory I’ve heard since MLK. That there are some people who are so insenstive, so ignorant that they don’t get it is very disturbing. What I’ve realized is that there is more segregation in the northeast than in the south. You can find ‘archie bunker’ enclaves from Queens to New Jersey to Pennyslvania to Ohio and beyond. Why working class white people continue to vote against their own best inerests is a mystery to me. And the only answer I can come up with is ignorance, a failure to study history and the facts; being victims of sound bites and endless, mindless TV watching. We are indeed so fortunate to have a Barack Obama, and if we don’t take advantage of it, America loses big time.

  • 2 Zoe Artemis // Apr 22, 2008 at 10:33 AM

    Hey Brian, I’m in Allentown campaigning for Barack, have been here since yeterday….the energy is wild, fabulous, inspiring……meeting wonderful Obama campaign workers, think I convinced some undeciders to go for Obama….one door at a time….later!

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